The following is a selection of publications associated with ACCT-sponsored work.
ANONYMOUS 2005. Special Interest Group meeting, London, 6 April 2005. Latissimus 20: 11-14.
BERGSTEN, J., BILTON, D.T., FUJISAWA, T., ELLIOTT, M., MONAGHAN, M.T., BALKE, M., HENDRICH, L., GEIJER, J., HERRMANN, J., FOSTER, G.N., RIBERA, I., NILSSON, A.N., BARRACLOUGH, T.G., & VOGLER, A.P. 2012. The effect of geographical scale of sampling on DNA barcoding. Systematic Biology 61 (5) 851-869.
BILTON, D.T., BRATTON, J.H., McCORMACK, S. & FOSTER, G.N. 2009. Ochthebius poweri Rye (Hydraenidae) in Britain and Ireland. The Coleopterist 18: 91-110.
BRATTON, J.H. & FOSTER, G.N. 2009. UK status and distribution of the spindrift beetle Ochthebius poweri. Countryside Council for Wales Contract Science Report No. 857.
CARR, R. 2012. Helophorus laticollis Thomson still surviving in the New Forest. Latissimus 31 12.
DENTON, J. 1995. The distribution and ecology of Graphoderus zonatus Hoppe in Britain. Latissimus 6: 12-13.
DENTON, J. 2007. Pupation site selection by Graphoderus zonatus (Hoppe). Latissimus 23: 1-3.
DENTON, J. 2013. The water beetles of North Hampshire. Four Marks: Albion Ecology.
DRANE, A. & FOSTER, G.N. 2011. Derek Lott 1953-2011. The Coleopterist 20: 101-103.
FERY, H. 2013. David Sharp (1840-1922). A bibliography and a catalogue of his insect names. Skövnöpparn, Umeå.
FOSTER, G.N. 2010. Some additional records of Hydroporus rufifrons (Müller) (Dytiscidae) in England and Scotland. The Coleopterist 19: 151-153.
FOSTER, G.N. 2010. A review of the scarce and threatened Coleoptera of Great Britain. Part 3: water beetles. Species Status No. 1, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Peterborough.
FOSTER, G.N. 2009. The Ochthebius viridis complex in Britain and Ireland (Hydraenidae). The Coleopterist 18: 85-90.
FOSTER, G.N. 2013.Some wetland Coleoptera on Colonsay, Inner Hebrides, with a checklist for the South Ebudes. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 149 197-204.
FOSTER, G.N. 2013. Translocating the oxbow diving beetle (Hydroporus rufifrons)in England. An interim report. Report to Natural England.
FOSTER, G.N., BILTON, D.T. & FRIDAY, L.E. 2014. Keys to adults of the water beetles of Britain and Ireland (Part 2). Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 4(5b): i-iv, 1-126.
FOSTER, G.N., BILTON, D.T., HAMMOND, M. & NELSON, B.H. 2018. Atlas of the Hydrophiloid Beetles of Britain and Ireland. Field Studies Council.
FOSTER, G.N., BILTON, D.T. & NELSON, B.H. 2016. Atlas of the Predaceous Water Beetles (Hydradephaga) of Britain and Ireland. Field Studies Council.
FOSTER G N, BILTON D T & ROUTLEDGE S 2007. Further notes on Synaptus filiformis Fabricius (Elateridae) and Hydroporus rufifrons (Müller) (Dytiscidae) in Westmorland. The Coleopterist 16: 135-137.
FOSTER, G.N., BILTON, D.T., ROUTLEDGE, S. & EYRE, M.D. 2008. The past and present statuses of Hydroporus rufifrons (Müller) (Coleoptera, Dytiscidae) in Great Britain. The Coleopterist 17: 51-63
FOSTER, G.N., BRATTON, J.H., EWING, A.W., HODGE, P.J. & NOBES, G. 2007. Current status of Donacia aquatica Linnaeus (Chrysomelidae) in Britain and Ireland. The Coleopterist 16: 25-34.
FOSTER, G.N. & CARR, R. 2008. The status of Bidessus unistriatus (Goeze) in England, with records of B. grossepunctatus Vorbringer, 1907, a species present in England in the Bronze Age. The Coleopterist 17: 191-203.
FOSTER, G.N., COLLIER, M., LOTT, D. & VORST, O. 2007. Some scarce Coleoptera found in the Norfolk Broads in 2006. The Coleopterist 16: 5-11
FOSTER, G.N. & CUPPEN, J.G.M. 2011. Ochthebius poweri Rye, 1869, un Coléoptère amateur d’embruns, nouveau pour la faune de France (Coleoptera Hydraenidae). L’Entomologiste 67: 43-44.
FOSTER, G.N. & FOSTER, S.L. 2013. Water beetles new for Guernsey, including Hydraena rugosa Mulsant (Hydraenidae). The Coleopterist 22 49-54.
FOSTER, G. & NELSON, B. 2010. Some recent records of Donaciinae in Britain and Ireland. The Coleopterist 19: 15-19.
SERJEANT, A.P. & BEEBEE, T.J.C. 2013. Identification of Dytiscus larvae by Cytochrome oxidase I (COI) partial sequencing. Journal of Insect Conservation doi 10.1007/s10841-013-9600-x.